Finally! A quality magazine focused on the IPhoneography Community. When I first started out in this new art medium, we didnt have anything to reference except our own trial and error. If it wasnt for online social media like P1xels by Knox Bronson - where I got motivated, inspired and learned from other artist, I wouldnt be where I am today.
I encourage each and everyone of you to download this magazine today!!!! Write to the editors, the contributors and the artist. Let them know what inspires you, what you want to see or what you dont like. Make iPhotographer - "Your" magazine.
I am both Thankful and Honored to be a small part of this new art medium that is now excepted by the national institute of art history of Paris, France.
All my best,
Paul J. Toussaint
Co-founder of The Empty Spaces Project
Photopaul15 about iPhotographer Magazine